I've been working with Subversion, especially from within Eclipse using the Subclipse plugin. I had earlier . . . Subclipse 3.0.1 and Subversion server version "SVN/1.1.4". Some bad differences: * Slow. While CVS . . . in the New Projects wizard. Instead, go to the ''SVN Repository Exploring perspective'', seek out your . . . outside the project. On the commandline, do svn status. No differences. In Eclipse, do menu Team . . . it later. * If you're a CVS user, read [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.forcvs.html Appendix . . .
5K - last updated 2007-08-19 08:15 UTC by 1431
2007-02-02 Branching in SVN with existing work
This week I had the situation where I was asked to come to another office (in Groningen) and do some . . . changes: $ cd your/current/project/directory $ svn diff > ~/hackwork.patch Then find out what revision . . . you are hacking: $ svnversion . 590M Now create a separate branch of the . . . original version: $ svn copy http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce . . . \ http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce-branch-gron \ -m "Creating separate . . .
2K - last updated 2007-02-02 13:59 UTC by bvankuik
2009-08-24 Archiving to a branch
Today, I needed to archive and clean up old machines that were used for a project that has reached its . . . these modifications were not committed to the SVN repository. In the meantime however, we worked . . . First, find out what the local version is: $ svnversion . 1143:1150M We'll make a branch of revision . . . in another directory: $ mkdir ~/tmp $ cd ~/tmp $ svn copy -r 1150 http://repository.example.com/svn/our_software/trunk . . . \ http://repository.example.com/svn/our_software/branch-project-pc0054 Committed revision . . .
2K - last updated 2009-08-25 07:56 UTC by 1431
2009-10-19 Rolling back a change
Suppose you inadvertently made changes in some files some time back. You can examine revisions of files . . . with $ svn log ccsds.h You see that the previous revision . . . was 205 and that it was correct. With an SVN merge, you can make that old revision the current . . . revision: $ svn merge -r HEAD:205 ccsds.h Check in your file and . . .
1K - last updated 2009-10-19 13:41 UTC by 1431
2013-03-27 warning Setting locale failed
I was getting the error from all kinds of Linux programs about "setting locale failed". For example, . . . However, this gave me problems when using SVN from the Macbook; whenever I'd do some remote action, . . . like the following: user@macbook:trunk$ svn log --limit 1 svnserve: warning: cannot set LC_CTYPE . . . locale svnserve: warning: environment variable LC_CTYPE is . . . UTF-8 svnserve: warning: please check that your locale name . . .
3K - last updated 2014-03-28 13:06 UTC by 1431
I've written about the differences between SVN and CVS and the usage of the plugins in Eclipse, see also . . . = Importing your project = I found the ''svn import'' syntax a bit funny, but that might just . . . commandline, do it like this: $ cd myproject $ svn import http://machinename/subversion/myproject . . . here the admin has given you the path /var/www/svn/repos but that might be different!) $ cd myproject . . . $ svn import file:///var/www/svn/repos/myproject Your . . .
17K - last updated 2014-04-11 10:18 UTC by 1431
Scratch CentOS 5
* Installation. Customized package selection, everything deselected except base utilities. * Log in for . . . settings in Xen config files? * Installing SVN on www1 * Finish software * After reboot, VMs should . . .
7K - last updated 2007-08-10 12:43 UTC by 1431
You want to see the [[SVN]] page. . . .
1K - last updated 2011-11-18 14:12 UTC by 1431
= Xcode in general = If you get a weird error, first always try to restart Xcode. = Debugging = Some . . . -c "Set :CFBundleVersion `svnversion -n`" . . .
3K - last updated 2012-10-02 00:05 UTC by 1431
dv1 installation
* Installation, see [[Booting_over_the_network]]. Customized package selection, everything deselected . . . settings in Xen config files? * Installing SVN on www1 * How does VNC function with the virt-manager . . .
3K - last updated 2007-06-24 09:37 UTC by 1431
dv2 installation
* Installation using CD. Customized package selection, everything deselected except base utilities. * . . . settings in Xen config files? * Installing SVN on www1 * How does VNC function with the virt-manager . . .
2K - last updated 2007-06-24 09:35 UTC by 1431
= Starting on an existing project = When you start on a client project, you usually take the following . . . branch: $ git branch -d development-flightsvn $ git push origin --delete development-flightsvn . . . = From SVN to git = Here's a quick overview if you're moving . . . and let you find out the details later. ||svn checkout <URL> ||git clone <URL> || ||svn checkout . . . ||git clone <URL>; git reset --hard <hash> || ||svn revert <filename> (to throw modifications away) . . .
4K - last updated 2020-02-17 19:00 UTC by 1431
[[SVN]] . . .
1K - last updated 2014-04-11 10:16 UTC by 1431
= Latest weblog entries = <journal 5> = Weblog Archive = [[Weblog_entries_2024]] [[Weblog_entries_2023]] . . . * [[AJAX]] * [[Programmable_logic]] * [[SVN]] for all your Subversion tricks * [[git]] * [[Bash]] . . .
4K - last updated 2024-04-16 10:29 UTC by bartvk
14 pages found.