2006-02-23 Pictures from TELIS Project
Some pictures from work, all related to the [http://www.sron.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=238&lang=en . . . TELIS project]. ----- [[image:ffo_sis_ssb_lsu_1.jpg]] . . . are most of the boards that will be aboard the Telis balloon. From left to right: * FFO/PLL board, . . .
2K - last updated 2025-01-14 19:33 UTC by bartvk
2006-04-25 SIR acronym
In the [[2006-04-24_SIRs_for_dummies|previous entry]], I told that the acronym SIR stands for Superconducting . . . On [[2006-02-23_Pictures_from_TELIS_Project]], I showed the boards, of which the . . . have to change in nanovolts. Like the SIR, the Telis PLL is a Russian product. It has an analog output . . . check the quality of the phase locking. [[image:telis_pll.png]] If you take a step back, you can see . . .
5K - last updated 2006-05-15 14:04 UTC by 6631
2006-05-30 PLL optimization
The electronics man of the Telis project wrote a couple of routines so the PLL can be finetuned automatically. . . .
1K - last updated 2006-05-31 07:26 UTC by 6631
For your viewing pleasure, a camera was aimed at a spectrum analyzer. It shows a macro that's being run . . . then locking with the PLL. It's about 3.5 Mb. [[telis_pll_locking_macro.avi]] Quote of the day: Ed: . . .
1K - last updated 2006-06-29 08:50 UTC by 6631
2006-09-19 PLL IF curves
The electronics man of the Telis project has created a new macro (set of instructions in the flash memory . . . of the Telis FPGA). The macro repeatedly steps up the harmonic . . .
1K - last updated 2006-09-19 07:39 UTC by 6631
2006-10-20 Measuring FFO offsets
The electronics man of the Telis project came up with a script to measure any offsets in the DAC and . . .
2K - last updated 2006-10-24 12:57 UTC by bvankuik
2006-12-07 Electronics interface for Telis
When I want to read out the settings from the electronics boards of the Telis project, I have multiple . . .
2K - last updated 2006-12-07 12:50 UTC by bvankuik
2007-01-09 Battery problem
One of the current problems in the current project is the battery pack. According to the electronics . . . the batteries give around 3.8 V but the Telis electronics have to operate on a balloon. The . . .
2K - last updated 2007-01-23 08:39 UTC by 6631
2007-02-02 Branching in SVN with existing work
This week I had the situation where I was asked to come to another office (in Groningen) and do some . . . $ svn copy http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce \ http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce-branch-gron . . . $ cd ~/workspace $ svn co http://subversion/svn/telis/tuce-branch-gron $ cd tuce-branch-gron And now . . . -p 0 < ~/gron.patch patching file tdb/mysql-telis.sql patching file client/python/plotffo.py ... . . . ... lines removed ... Sending tdb/mysql-telis.sql Transmitting file data ..... Committed revision . . .
2K - last updated 2007-02-02 13:59 UTC by bvankuik
2007-03-11 Bug in software or hardware
This week was a very rewarding week: we squashed a bug which seemed to elude the very best minds -- these . . . of the Telis team. The problem was that when measuring a voltage, . . .
4K - last updated 2007-03-12 08:46 UTC by bvankuik
2007-08-09 Fiske steps
I've previously [[2006-04-24_SIRs_for_dummies|explained the SIR chip]], so I'll keep it short and say . . . a macro, which is a list of instructions for the Telis FPGA. This procedure does the following: # Determine . . .
3K - last updated 2007-08-20 12:31 UTC by 6631
2008-05-25 Finding open ports
When tightening up security on a Linux server, one of the first things the system administrator does, . . . Send-Q Local Address PID/Program name tcp 0 0 telislt.sron.nl:irdmi 2381/nasd tcp 0 0 *:55428 1965/rpc.statd . . . tcp 0 0 telislt.sron.:commplex-main 6573/ssh tcp 0 0 *:mysql . . . 0 0 2533/dnsmasq tcp 0 0 telislt.sron.nl:privoxy 3581/ssh tcp 0 0 telislt.sron.nl:ipp . . . 2553/cupsd tcp 0 0 telislt.sron.nl:smtp 2352/sendmail: acce tcp 0 0 *:8730 . . .
3K - last updated 2008-05-25 20:25 UTC by 6631
2008-08-29 Fighting an ADC
We use an [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog-to-digital_converter ADC] from Cirrus Logic on the DAC . . . Telis] project. It's a nice piece of work, very accurate. . . . For Telis it was used to measure in the hundreds of nanovolts. . . . It's probably that last thing since with Telis it worked wonderfully, '''but''' that isn't conclusive . . .
2K - last updated 2008-08-29 07:16 UTC by Bart
2008-09-16 Tweaking TCP
For the Telis project, we use the TCP protocol for the radio uplink. This is rather unusual since most . . .
2K - last updated 2008-09-16 15:49 UTC by 6631
= GNU debugger = For an introduction into gdb, check out [http://www.unknownroad.com/rtfm/gdbtut/gdbtoc.html . . . version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, SVR4-style, from 'telisky' = Reproducing segmentation faults = If you . . . happens: (gdb) r Starting program: src/telis/tuce/server/srv_dlr [Thread debugging using libthread_db . . .
8K - last updated 2012-03-16 14:17 UTC by 6631
= Installation = Install as usual for your distribution. For Debian, this means: $ sudo apt-get install . . . == $ mysql -u root -p mysql> create database telis; mysql> create user 'telis'@'localhost' identified . . . by 'blahblah' mysql> grant all on telis.* to 'telis'@'localhost'; mysql> show grants . . . for telis; mysql> \q Note: mysql doesn't report errors . . .
8K - last updated 2023-01-30 09:45 UTC by bartvk
= Slashdot = So on a scale of usefulness from "necessary for human survival" to "would rather have my . . . would spend more time at work'." -- Tom Paulco = Telis project = Gert: "Chuck Norris united Germany." . . .
6K - last updated 2025-01-20 14:51 UTC by bartvk
Creating a Samba share that's writeable by everyone: # groupadd smbguest # useradd -g smbguest -d /dev/null . . . = share guest account = smbguest netbios name = TELISSERVER socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY . . . workgroup = TELIS [public] guest ok = yes guest only = yes path . . .
1K - last updated 2008-06-02 18:31 UTC by 6631
I've written about the differences between SVN and CVS and the usage of the plugins in Eclipse, see also . . . $ svn copy http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce \ http://subversion.company.com/svn/telis/tuce-branch-gron . . . $ cd ~/workspace $ svn co http://subversion/svn/telis/tuce-branch-gron $ cd tuce-branch-gron And now . . . -p 0 < ~/gron.patch patching file tdb/mysql-telis.sql patching file client/python/plotffo.py ... . . .
17K - last updated 2014-04-11 10:18 UTC by 6631
System V shared memory
= Problem: how can I share memory between processes? = The fastest way of getting data from process A . . . perms bytes nattch status 0x4306f4ef 131076 telis497 666 95436 1 0x43435049 163845 nobody 666 65536 . . . nsems 0x430610b1 0 bartvk 666 1 0x4306f4ef 32769 telis497 666 1 0x43435049 65538 nobody 666 3 0x4306f48f . . .
8K - last updated 2009-03-13 12:36 UTC by 6631
Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved . . .
2K - last updated 2007-02-15 15:57 UTC by bvankuik
telis pll.png
766K - last updated 2006-04-25 13:17 UTC by 6631
telis pll locking macro.avi
4483K - last updated 2006-06-29 08:44 UTC by 6631
= Latest weblog entries = <journal 5> = Weblog Archive = [[Weblog_entries_2024]] [[Weblog_entries_2023]] . . . [[Wet_Vorderen_Gegevens]] * [[Photography]] * [[Telis]], a project in which I've participated Files: . . .
4K - last updated 2024-04-16 10:29 UTC by bartvk
Work pictures
Shamroc project: * [[shamroc_dac_bord.jpg]] The Lab in Groningen: * [[lab1.jpg]] * [[lab2.jpg]] * [[lab3.jpg]] . . . * [[LSU-board-bottom.jpg]] The Telis gondola, which hangs below the balloon: * [[gondola_1.jpg]] . . .
1K - last updated 2009-03-30 07:22 UTC by 6631
25 pages found.