''Note: I've expanded this entry in article [[Configuration]].'' In a non-trivial project, several programming . . . for a PHP script, this is a pain. This is where m4 comes into play. Just create a file called ''Config.m4'' . . . part of your Makefile or Ant's build.xml, run ''m4'' as follows: m4 Config.m4 Config.template > Config.h . . .
1K - last updated 2006-03-20 20:10 UTC by 1453
2011-08-30 Creating specific password lists with John the Ripper
For security purposes, you sometimes want a dictionary with possible passwords. Perhaps you want to assess . . . rotte rotterdam1 rotterdam2 rotterdam3 rotterdam4 (skipping a whole lot of lines) ROTtERDAm ROTTerdAm . . .
5K - last updated 2011-08-31 10:58 UTC by 1453
= Generating a config file = In a non-trivial project, several programming languages will often be used. . . . This is where [http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/ m4] comes into play! == Creating the m4 file == . . . Just create a file called my_own_config.m4 and put all your variables there in the following . . . the configuration file from the template and the m4 file, do: $ m4 my_own_config.m4 Config.template . . . configuration! Each developer creates its own m4 file and checks it into the source code repository. . . .
8K - last updated 2006-10-20 14:09 UTC by bvankuik
JDeveloper on Linux
Here I'm listing some news, tips, problems and issues I found while running JDeveloper on Linux. For . . . documentation and sourcecode. It seems DOM4J 1.4 contains a little file with the name #.xml... . . .
15K - last updated 2006-01-30 14:56 UTC by 1453
Everyone seems to have forgotten about M4, an extremely handy standard Unix tool when you need a text . . . some kind of variable input and this is where M4 comes in handy. Create a file with the extension . . . ".m4" containing macro's like these (mind the quotes!): . . . define(`PREFIX', `jackv') Then let M4 replace all instances of PREFIX: $ m4 mymacros.m4 . . . orm-tool.xml By default, m4 prints to the screen (standard output). Use the . . .
2K - last updated 2007-03-13 07:38 UTC by bvankuik
The subject is: performance measurement of a Linux server. = Measuring bandwidth = First, create a file . . . time: $ time cp test10mb.bin /Volumes/dav/ real 0m43.624s user 0m0.002s sys 0m11.364s $ = vmstat = Do . . .
6K - last updated 2013-12-20 08:02 UTC by 1453
= Running an X11 program on your display under another user = Suppose you're logged in as '''user1''' . . . command. In XFCE, edit the file /usr/share/xfwm4/themes/default.keys/keythemerc In Gnome, this isn't . . .
3K - last updated 2014-04-30 13:40 UTC by 1453
m4kdzGR9XcGn . . .
1K - last updated 2016-12-22 08:26 UTC by 1453
unix bench xen budgetdedicated
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 4.0.1) System -- vankuik Start Benchmark Run: Wed Mar 8 11:44:14 CET 2006 . . . FINAL SCORE 457.6 real 51m52.222s user 16m45.760s sys 24m3.370s . . .
3K - last updated 2006-03-15 11:47 UTC by 1453
= Latest weblog entries = <journal 5> = Weblog Archive = [[Weblog_entries_2024]] [[Weblog_entries_2023]] . . . the administrative side * [[SQL]] * [[XML]] * [[M4]] * [[LaTeX]] * [[HTML_and_CSS]] * [[Javascript]] . . .
4K - last updated 2024-04-16 10:29 UTC by bartvk
10 pages found.