Chet Haase blogs about how they are looking for Java applications which they want to improve on either . . . people put the built-in profiler of [http://www.eclipse.org/ Eclipse] put to good use. . . .
2K - last updated 2005-03-22 07:22 UTC by 6531
I'm currently wrestling with [http://maven.apache.org/ Maven] and I have several gripes. I'm using version . . . * It's possible to do ''maven eclipse'' and generate a faulty .project and .classpath . . . sections don't get included when doing a ''maven eclipse'' (see below) * Why isn't documentation delivered . . . * You can't do ''maven multiproject:eclipse'' or ''maven multiproject:idea'' * If I have . . . same basically goes for multiproject and the ''eclipse'' goal: subprojects are included in the classpath . . .
6K - last updated 2005-10-26 11:07 UTC by 6531
I've been working with Subversion, especially from within Eclipse using the Subclipse plugin. I had earlier . . . experience with the CVS plugin that comes with Eclipse. This is with Eclipse 3.1.1, Subclipse 3.0.1 . . . days later, a release was available through the Eclipse update screens which fixed this bug.''' * When . . . from repository''. Subclipse performs this, but Eclipse then asks something like "File changed on filesystem. . . . back since Subversion uses transactions. With Eclipse's CVS plugin, this isn't possible (and with . . .
5K - last updated 2007-08-19 08:15 UTC by 6531
[http://check.sourceforge.net/ Check], as most test frameworks, has the following hierarchy: main() |-- . . . the runner yourself, a plugin for an IDE like Eclipse could be somewhat problematic. Users could . . .
2K - last updated 2006-03-08 16:41 UTC by 6531
[http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ CDT homepage] [http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/index.cgi/%7Echeckout%7E/cdt-home/user/faq.html?cvsroot=Tools_Project . . . [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Eclipse Using Eclipse CDT for Mozilla development] . . . An interesting take on Eclipse/CDT Some warnings: * After starting Eclipse, . . . to work on my installation. * See [https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=35960 bug 35960]. . . . seem to work. * It's probably best to edit your eclipse.ini file and set the line '''-Xmx256m''' to . . .
3K - last updated 2006-02-16 12:38 UTC by 6531
= Package tools = == dpkg-query == This command is meant to query the package database. Some examples: . . . when running GTK applications (like Mozilla and Eclipse), the font sizes are not the same size. Adjusting . . .
6K - last updated 2014-01-10 12:17 UTC by 6531
[http://e-p-i-c.sourceforge.net EPIC homepage] Shortcomings: * Right-clicking and choosing 'open sub . . . configuring an external tool]. This . . .
2K - last updated 2006-02-07 12:38 UTC by 6531
[http://simplygenius.com/geekblog/2005/04/08/1112982083849.html Painless Eclipse upgrades under Linux] . . . and [http://web-cat.cs.vt.edu/WCWiki/EclipsePlugins/CxxTestPlugin homepage]. Requires that . . . Frameworks] page at C2 [[EPIC]] for Perl [[PHPEclipse]] for PHP [http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/wst/main.html . . . Eclipse WTP Project, subproject WST] provides editors . . .
1K - last updated 2006-02-28 15:58 UTC by 6531
Homepage: [http://www.phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php PHPEclipse] Some shortcomings: * Matching . . .
1K - last updated 2006-02-01 07:29 UTC by 6531
I've written about the differences between SVN and CVS and the usage of the plugins in Eclipse, see also . . . svn:ignore . $ cd .. $ svn commit -m "Added Eclipse project files to ignorelist" . Note that propedit . . .
17K - last updated 2014-04-11 10:18 UTC by 6531
[http://subclipse.tigris.org/ Subclipse homepage] [http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html Subclipse FAQ] . . . rolls back since it uses transactions. With Eclipse's CVS plugin, this isn't possible (and with . . .
2K - last updated 2006-02-15 07:46 UTC by 6531
= Latest weblog entries = <journal 5> = Weblog Archive = [[Weblog_entries_2024]] [[Weblog_entries_2023]] . . . * [[HTML_and_CSS]] * [[Javascript]] * [[Eclipse]] * [[AJAX]] * [[Programmable_logic]] * [[SVN]] . . .
4K - last updated 2024-04-16 10:29 UTC by bartvk
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