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2025-02-11 Garmin Zumo XT error

I updated my Garmin Zumo XT, and it showed me the error "map data not available" when I wanted to search for an address. There are a number of threads online, but my solution was not to do a reset or something. Instead, I downloaded Garmin Express (on my Mac), hooked up the Zumo XT and refreshed the maps through the application. I hope this helps people because the Garmin Support pages are not easy to read.

2024-05-31 Microsoft Excel shortcut key

When I'm in Microsoft Excel on macOS, I often want to clean up and delete rows. The online documentation is weird, and mentions a non-working shortcut key. To delete a row with the keyboard, navigate to the row, then press Shift-Space, then Control-Minus. This works on macOS Sonoma 14.5 with Microsoft Excel 16.81.

2023-12-01 Unable to use public key authentication for ssh login on Raspberry Pi

TL;DR: Raspberry Pi OS will reject rsa keys, use another type of key, and copy it to the Pi:

  % ssh-keygen -t ecdsa
  % ssh-copy-id .ssh/ <pi-hostname>

Explanation is as follows. Recently I installed a Raspberry Pi 4, and I flashed the SD card with the Raspberry Pi Imager. I used the default OS (which is titled "Raspberry Pi OS, a port of Debian Bookworm"). I wanted to use passwordless login to ssh, i.e. public key authentication. So I copied my existing public key to the Raspberry Pi with ssh-copy-id. However when accessing the Pi over ssh, I still had to enter my password.

This had me stumped for a while. In the end, I turned on debug logging:

  % sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Then add the following line:

  LogLevel DEBUG3

Restart SSH daemon and follow logs:

  % sudo systemctl restart sshd
  % journalctl -f

Try and log in with your old RSA key, and you'll see the following log message:

  Dec 01 09:27:53 HL46528028 sshd[2025]: debug3: mm_answer_keyallowed: publickey authentication test: RSA key is not allowed

What you need to do, is generate a new key with a different type:

  % ssh-keygen -t ecdsa

The default is to save they keypair in the ~/.ssh directory and call it id_ecdsa and Copy the public key to the Raspberry:

  % ssh-copy-id .ssh/ <pi-hostname>

Now enjoy passwordless login:

  % ssh <pi-hostname>

Of course don't forget to remove the LogLevel line from the sshd configuration, and restart the daemon.

2023-09-18 SwiftUI Separate toolbar

In SwiftUI, it's easy to just keep coding and dump everything in one view. Toolbars especially are "bulky", they take up a lot of lines, and are not regular views so syntax-wise, they're a bit of a bother to separate away. Here's an example of a bottom toolbar, to help you split up those big views.

    struct MainView: View {
        var body: some View {
                .ignoresSafeArea(edges: [.top, .leading, .trailing])
                .toolbar {
    struct ActionToolbar: ToolbarContent {
        var body: some ToolbarContent {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) {
                Button(action: { print("Plus") }) {
                    Image(systemName: "")

2023-08-30 Coordinator in preview

When you're using the Coordinator pattern in a SwiftUI project, you'll find yourself sometimes wanting to preview the initial start of a "flow" of screens. But that's quite a bit of work because inside the coordinator, some boilerplate code needs to be present, to wrap the SwiftUI view in a UIHostingController.

This bit of code is useful to plunk in the utilities folder of your project, and use in the preview section of your SwiftUI view.

    private class PreviewViewController: UIViewController {
        private let coordinator: NavigationControllerCoordinator
        init(coordinator: NavigationControllerCoordinator) {
            self.coordinator = coordinator
            super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
        required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            guard let navigationController = self.navigationController as? NavigationController else {
            title = "Preview"
            var configuration = UIButton.Configuration.filled()
            configuration.title = "Start"
            self.view = UIButton(configuration: configuration, primaryAction: UIAction(handler: {_ in
                navigationController.present(self.coordinator.navigationController, animated: true)
    struct PreviewCoordinator: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
        let coordinator: NavigationControllerCoordinator
        typealias UIViewControllerType = NavigationController
        func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> NavigationController {
            let viewController = PreviewViewController(coordinator: coordinator)
            return NavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)
        func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: NavigationController, context: Context) {}

Use as follows;

    struct NetworkScanQRView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {
            PreviewCoordinator(coordinator: NetworkScanQRCoordinator.mocked)


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