2011-03-03 From which host am I logged in

A previous entry documented on how to change your settings in bashrc, according to from which host you logged in over SSH.

The solution used the hostname entry from the "who"> command. Thing is, it didn't work well because the "who" command also outputs any X sessions.

Here is a script snippet that uses the "host" command. Be sure you install this (under Debian and derivatives available with package dns-utils).

  FROM_IP=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -f1 -d" " | grep -v ":0")
  FROM=$(host -t ptr $FROM_IP | cut -d" " -f5)
  case $FROM in
      # Enter your settings here
      set -o vi
      # Enter your settings here
      set -o vi
      # Enter your settings here
      set -o vi

The stars behind the hostnames are there to ignore the domain name. This is because FROM=... line will give you the hostname including domain name, for instance, "mylaptop.company.com."

If you want to strip off everything but the hostname, use something like

  FROM=$(host -t ptr $FROM_IP | cut -d" " -f5 | cut -d"." -f1)