Today I bumped into a problem which required some decisions about the software. In short it comes down to the following.
We have control scripts (in Perl) which fire off Command Packets to the server. The server is connected to multiple daemons which handle tasks. When receiving a Command Packet, the server broadcasts it to all daemons.
When the daemon replies with a Response Packet, the server broadcasts these to all connected scripts.
Problem is, that broadcast isn't always useful. There could be multiple scripts, giving off commands, and these are all broadcasted. Thus it could be that scripts receive the wrong answer.
Now a solution for this:
After some hacking, what remains is the return packet. It shouldn't be broadcasted but the tree of classes seems to point to itself again. Could this be the Friday evening effect?!
Update: partly, it was the Friday evening effect. What was happening is that the return packet is not broadcasted, but instead is neatly redirected back to the sending Connection object.
Currently the Perl library uses a number within the packet to determine what to do with it, the APID (APplication IDentification). However this APID is separated in two types; a hardware and a software APID. The packets with a hardware APID are passed by the daemons straight to the connected hardware, and it's currently used for a binary data, not ASCII. The software APID is unique per daemon. Thus sending a packet needs to include the daemon its software APID.
New planning:
Some important things to remember about this architecture: